How to get your new 4WD Isuzu (and yourself!) offroad ready with Isuzu I-Venture Club. So you’ve purchased a new 4wd. It’s awesome. So shiny and new, you can’t wait to take the kids to soccer practice and show off to the other dads. But the thought of taking your new shiny Isuzu DMAX onto a sand island and risking being one of those statistics? No thank you! But then that really hardcore bloke (we’ll call him Bazza) down the road keeps asking you why your cool new hardcore 4wd is so clean…you’re running out of cover stories.
Well never fear! The Isuzu I-Venture Club can take away your manly woes and deliver you safely to a spectacular Brisbane 4WD destination, give you accredited 4WD training and instruction and all the while have you thinking you’re just on an awesome day out!

That is exactly what happened last Saturday when Keema Cars organised an I-Venture Club trip for a selection of their valued clients. 34 adventure seeking 4WD enthusiasts took their shiny new Isuzu vehicles out to tackle sand driving on Moreton Island.
Dave Darmody from Australian Offroad Academy joined Moreton Island Adventures & Keema Cars to provide a stellar day with plenty of 4WD instruction combined with interesting facts on the island and amazing catering (after all no one works well on an empty stomach). The Australian Offroad Academy is a peak offroad training provider whose mission it is to provide you with the skills necessary to safely and confidently explore the outdoors, secure in the knowledge that you and your vehicle can handle the chosen terrain – and on Saturday that is exactly what Dave Darmody gave us!

So what exactly will you learn on a Brisbane 4WD I-Venture Club Trip on Moreton Island?
How to decrease your tyre pressure to travel successfully on sand.
Depending on your vehicle and how soft the sand is, your 4WD trainer will advise you what PSI your vehicle’s tyres should be at – and why. Luckily the Micat ferry owned by Moreton Island Adventures has 4 air hoses for you to re-inflate your tyres on the way back to Brisbane. 4WD adventure couldn’t be easier!

How to use all the special features on your Isuzu 4WD to cater to sand driving
You probably haven’t used half of the buttons and gadgets that your Isuzu was born with – it’s time to get to know your vehicle.

How to drive safely off the ferry onto the sand without being “that guy” who gets bogged in front of the ferry!
No one wants to be that guy. Sometimes the fear of the unknown will actually stop us stepping out into the adventures we know we want to have. This trip will debunk the mysteries surrounding safe and effective sand driving and get you offroad ready in no time.

How to tackle multiple sand obstacles including soft sand, entering and exiting tracks safely without drama, avoiding obstacles & water crossings.
These can all sound a bit scary if you’ve never tackled them before

What to do if you become stuck, bogged or temporarily trapped (and what is the difference?)
Sometimes you’re just stuck. Temporarily. It’s not a serious issue worth panicking about – but you panic…sound familiar? Dave will teach you the difference between these and how not to panic, remain calm and just follow the steps to get yourself back on your adventure…sounds good right?

How to get around Moreton Island!
By the end of your trip, you’ll have travelled the entire Northern end of Moreton Island. You’ll probably have a really good idea of where you want to come back and camp and what you want to see. The Moreton Island Adventures guides can answer all of your questions about this magical island, and we can almost guarantee you’ll be dying to return on your own time.

This is what some of Saturday’s adventurer’s had to say about the day:
Getting to know how to do things right and safely, so much more confident and looking forward to going out on my own; A really brilliant day, fulfilled my expectations. Everyone very friendly and approachable. Geraldine
Great experience and totally doable for us senior travellers. Food was fantastic, tour organisers were extremely helpful. Pamela

So in short, if you’re feeling a little timid about getting out onto the sand in your shiny new Isuzu it’s time to take the bull by the horns and get into some REAL Brisbane 4WD adventures and sign up to the I-Venture club. Let’s face it, you’ll have a lot more to talk about at the kid’s soccer match if your DMAX is covered in sand and you’ve just come off your last camping trip to Moreton Island!
If you’re keen to get involved, head to to sign up! If you’ve purchased your Isuzu with Keema Cars Springwood, give the friendly team there a call and see when the next customer trip is coming up